Faith University - Week 1 Devotionals


Abel: The Faith that Offers

Scripture Reading:
  • Hebrews 11:4
  • Genesis 4:1-10

As Pastor Dale shared this weekend, we know what faith looks like because Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Every person in the Hebrews 11 hall of faith didn’t take a giant leap; God only asked them to obey the step before them, and we see that in Abel's life.
Abel, the second son of Adam and Eve, is remembered for his faith. By faith, Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. Abel’s offering testified to his righteousness and faith in God. His faith was shown through his actions, demonstrating his trust and obedience to God’s commands. Abel’s faith cost him his life, but his example speaks to us even today, showing that faith involves giving God our best in every aspect of our lives

Lord, help us to learn from Abel’s example of faith. May we offer you our best and trust in your goodness. Amen.


Memorize Scripture

Scripture: Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

Spend time today memorizing Hebrews 11:1. Reflect on the meaning of faith as confidence in what we hope for and assurance in what we do not see. Consider how this definition applies to Abel’s actions and how it can apply to your life.


Enoch: The Faith that Walks

Scripture Reading:
  • Hebrews 11:5-6
  • Genesis 5:21-24

When we read about heroes of faith, they all have many exploits, except for Enoch. It says that he was faithful. We know every step is a leap of faith, and Enoch has many steps.
Enoch is an example of a life that pleased God through faith. The Bible tells us that Enoch walked faithfully with God and was no more because God took him away. His constant faith and trust in Him marked Enoch’s close relationship with God. His life teaches us that walking with God in faith involves a daily, ongoing relationship with Him, which ultimately pleases Him.

Heavenly Father, like Enoch, help us to walk with you daily. Strengthen our faith and draw us closer to you. Amen.


Today, take a moment to ask God to expand your faith. Find a quiet place to pray and reflect on areas where you need more faith. Write down your thoughts and prayers, asking God to help you trust Him more fully.

Spend at least 15 minutes in prayer, asking God to reveal areas where He wants to grow your faith. Be open and honest about your doubts and fears, and ask for His strength and guidance.


Noah: The Faith that Builds

Scripture Reading:
  • Hebrews 11:7
  • Genesis 6:9-22

Noah’s faith led him to build an ark in obedience to God’s warning about things not yet seen. His faith saved his family and preserved humanity. Noah’s actions demonstrate that true faith results in obedience, even when we don’t fully understand God’s plans. His story shows us the importance of trusting God’s instructions and acting on them, regardless of how improbable they seem. Noah’s journey was a leap of faith, but it started with a step of obedience, and the entire world was blessed because of him.

Lord, give us the faith to act on your word, just as Noah did. Please help us to obey you, even when we don’t see the whole picture. Amen.


Go to our Instagram ( to watch the devotional from one of our pastors. Reflect on how the faith of Abel, Enoch, and Noah has impacted your understanding of faith, and consider how you can apply these lessons to your own life.

Final Thought:
This week, we’ve seen how the faith of Abel, Enoch, and Noah was demonstrated through their actions and lives, benefitting not only themselves but also those around them and future generations. Their faith in God’s promises and obedience to His commands are powerful examples today. Let’s strive to live out our faith in a way that pleases God and impacts others.
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